Then you make a promise: what added value Phone Number List does reading this text have? Then comes the real work, because you have to keep that promise. So make sure that you don't just tell what you want to say, but above all tell what your reader wants to know. An additional Phone Number List advantage of this approach is that you logically process many long-tail keywords in your text in this way. Also read: Picture perfect SEO: 8 tips for optimizing images A logical flow through a good CTA Finally, close Phone Number List with an appropriate call to action that has a logical connection with the text. Ask yourself what a desirable action would be for your visitor.

What does he or she need at that Phone Number List moment? This creates a logical flow in which the steps fit together well. Sounds familiar? Do you think you recognize the AIDA model in the above? That could just be. This 'golden oldie' is still relevant today if you Phone Number List want to build a catchy, promotional text. In short, AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. So the idea is that you first grab your reader's attention, spark interest, fuel need, and then call to action. Read Phone Number List more about this well-known marketing model here .

Make your blog visitors click too Of Phone Number List course, your blog is ideal for driving traffic through long tail keywords. But when you think of a blog, you may not immediately think of conversion. If you had to put blogging and converting in a customer journey, you Phone Number List probably couldn't place them further apart. After all, blogs are often written for branding and prospecting purposes. And as you know, conversion is a few steps lower in the funnel. But you can also tempt the Phone Number List visitors of your blog to go further into that funnel.